Friday, September 19, 2008

What's in a Name

If you have been waking up lately blue because you have a normal boring name like Mike or Susan, David or Jennifer, never fear! Sarah Palin is here to save the day.

Visit the Palin Offspring Name Generator and discover what nom de plume you would have been blest with if you had burst form from the loins of America's favorite gun-toting, savior of our country, hockey mom Sarah Palin.

Broad's new name? Chap Poach Palin. It sounds like a fish dish gone wrong.


creative kerfuffle said...

nice to meet you chap, i'm khaki salmon. wtf? (that's with my name and middle name) i did my name and last name and i was stick freedom (where the sun don't shine--i'm just guessing at that part)

broad minded said...

well if you do my "real" first name I would be plate jungle palin. if you do my real first and middle it is ladel torque palin. chap poach is the name most of the world knows me by. crazy.

Anonymous said...

Mine is Shove Maggot. Love it!

Have to say, though, I don't think the girls' names are all that weird ...

Anonymous said...

No one is arguing that the names are weird, although the boy names are a bit of a stretch for me to parse. But her kids' names should not be politicized or harshly judged Having said that, if you are Bruce Willis & Demi Moore or Gwyneth Paltrow or Frank Zappa one can write it off to eccentric creativity or something. But in a political leader, one is tempted to question Mrs. Palin's brain wiring, and in what way, might her judgement be affected in other ways, minor or significant. Good judgement, temperment and intellect should be valued above "unpredictable eccentricity." But as I said, this is really not as important issue as the "D" Sarah made in Macroeconomics or the fact that your average Teen Jeopardy contestestant know more about foreign policy than she does.

broad minded said...

i wish this were the only thing to criticize about the lady, alas this is just the most innocuous and amusing.