The conventions are over. The signs have been put away, the protesters corralled, and all the balloons dropped. And I am a bit weary of all things political.
So it seems fitting that my vacation falls next week. I may blog. I may not. It depends on how the oysters and beer lead me. In the meantime, I promise to use lots of SPF to keep my lily white hide young and fresh looking (maybe I could someday be a VPILF too!) and to tip my waitresses well.
Now if those pesky non-greenhouse gas induced hurricanes would just leave me alone, all would be well.
Till later . . .
I hope you have a wonderful vacation. Even if you dont reach VPILF status, there is no shame in MILF status. Only a few manage to achieve that status. Anyway,relax and get your thoughts together.We still have a few months of debate left for each of us to try and convert the other. I look forward to it. I must say it is refreshing to debate someone that while they may have an entirely diffrent take on the views than I do, is very well informed, and thinks things through. So many on your side as well as mine are just blindley following the crowd. I look forward to the next few months.
yes the next few weeks are going to go fast. it pains me to say this, but there are a lot of things on the table right now and the GOP, as we know, excels at twisting things in their favor, so nothing is certain right now. But there will be much to discuss, of that i am certain.
time to get back in the thick of things i suppose.
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