Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Saturday Night Smackdown

My girl crush nailed it I must say.

Yes kiddies, I am back, there will be more later. But first I have to share what exactly the Bush Doctrine is with Sarah Palin. It appears she isn't sure.


Anonymous said...

So glad to see that you are back. i was beginning to worry that perhaps Ike had fatally knocked you off your surfboard and into the Atlantic.

Yes, Tina (also my girl crush) nailed it, absolutely. And it was a funny bit, with decent dose of satirical bite. Having said that, I have a soapbox to climb up on now.

Here is my problem: SNL and every, and I mean every media outlet you can name is making a news story out of Fey doing Palin on SNL - feeding into and contributing to the Palin "cult of personality" momentum. Each of these little things is helping to elevate that dangerous ego-fied whack job to some sort of lovable folk hero (you know, the gun-totin' mama goes to Washington to straighten out the corrupt old boy network). So now it's all "oh, I hope Tina does Sarah again this week," instead of "Sarah must be stopped." She is George W. Bush in drag, only much worse. As if W could ever be that darned 'charming.' And to borrow a comment from Bill Maher, pigs are smarter. I hope any comparisons I make between Palin and pigs are not found offensive by any pigs out there.

broad minded said...

never fear, broad doesn't surf, except the web. no i hide my lily white hide under a giant umbrella and super duper spf and catch up on my cheesy chick lit. gotta give the brain cells a rest.

yes i agree palin is bush in drag, charming, not too bright and truly terrifying.

apparently obama urged people in his camp to just stop talking about her and focus on the issues at hand - like say our tanking economy. the ad he ran yesterday in regards to mccain's sound economy remark is the kind of thing he needs to keep hammering i think. i will be watching the debates with bated breath friday i must admit.