Friday, September 26, 2008

Cluck, Cluck

McCain is playing a seriously demented game of chicken and I think he is going to lose for it. This whole will-he-or-won't-he debate thing is one of the craziest political gambits I have ever seen. Not to mention the fact that for someone who says he has suspended his campaign, he has had a lot of campaign activities going on—his own interview with Katie Couric (that Letterman is still steaming over); a fundraiser headed up by his campaign manager; and the fact that he doesn't seem to be helping with the bank bailout plan

Now from some of what I have read it doesn't look like the rules will allow Obama to do a townhall thing or take questions from the audience if McCain isn't there. It would be considered giving Obama time that McCain isn't getting and the election board ain't going to have that. (If I am wrong about that, feel free to correct me, but show your sources, people!)

In other news, Palin's second half of her Katie Couric interview might have tanked even worse than the first. When she started talking about Putin invading our airspace my first thoughts were that she was referring to the space between her ears. Ugh.

I think Wanda Sykes said it best on Leno the other night, "I'm a feminist, but I'm sorry ... that woman's crazy!" See more below.


Rev Wes Isley said...

Oh, I jus loves me some Wanda! I love the line about Sarah Palin delivering letters to Santa!

Have you seen the latest SNL clip? This past Saturday they spoofed Palin's interview with Couric. And the real thing was so awful. You need to find a clip of that first and then watch the SNL version.

Not sure what's going to happen this Thursday, but I smell blood in the water!

broad minded said...

and christopher hitchens said women aren't funny . . .