Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Lovely Ladies

I will give Laura Bush and Cindy McCain the benefit of the doubt, they are probably lovely ladies. But their public speaking skills leave something to be desired, especially Laura Bush. Cindy McCain seemed far more comfortable in terms of addressing the audience, although considering she spoke for about two minutes it is hard to give a valid assessment. But hey, at least Laura Bush got to acknowledged all the great governors in the Gulf Coast states. I wonder if they weren't all Republicans if she would be referring to them as "great?"

Then Rick Perry, Governor of Texas, referred to the states as Republican states. UGH! And that these Republican governors are taking care of these people. Wonder if the residents of New Orleans feel the same? Gosh knows the Democratic governor Blanco who served during 
Katrina felt the same love dealing with that horrific crisis?

I know it is wrong of me as an avowed feminist to say this, but I 
just can't help myself—Cindy McCain is a Barbie doll brought to life!

Today, supposedly the Republican Convention will get back on track, so to speak, after being somewhat derailed by Hurricane Gustav. I wonder how sad the convention is that Bush and Cheney won't be speaking now?

Finally, I have to wonder, are the Republican convention attendees just more sedate than the Democratic folks or do they just have less to be excited about? Laura Bush did get a good round of applause when she first came out, but otherwise, things struck me as a bit tepid.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just think how tepid it would have been without Miss Wasilla on the ticket.