Seriously, what did the self-described hockey mom have to say last night. (And yes the image is totally fake and photoshopped, but I think it is a riot. So there.) Near the beginning I thought she was going to break into her version of Turn, Turn, Turn by the Byrds. "There's a time for blah, blah, blah."
Then we got the family introductions. No Palin, your family isn't typical. Most people don't have five children. Or a mom that is governor. But none of that matters in terms of you being vice president. And while I am glad that your parents taught you girls can do anything, I have my doubts as to whether your tenure as vp, should you win, would give girls those same choices and values. So we are 10 minutes into a 36 minute speech and nothing about why she should be a heartbeat away from the oval office.
(Just an aside, Palin's youngest daughter licking her hand and flattening her baby brother's hair was a riot!!!!)
And then the pit bull in lipstick decided to get her two cents in about how a community organizer is a fluffy, do nothing job, but a small town mayor, now that is something!
See, she's just like us! She drives herself to work! She got rid of the governor's chef. And during it all she balanced Alaska's budget. Thanks, but no thanks to the bridge to nowhere? Well that isn't exactly true, she did back it at first. But now she is against it, so that is ok! Just imagine what she could accomplish if she had two more years as governor!!
Oil, oil, oil. Russia's using energy as a weapon. We gotta drill people! This is from a gal that knows the north slope of Alaska! So you can trust what she says. Clean coal? That's an oxymoron. Good luck building those nuclear plants. Wanna put one in your back yard?
Palin refers to Obama as her "opponent." Yeah, wouldn't want to humanize him by using his name would you? Then she started in on Obama never saying the word victory in regards to Iraq. Perhaps, because that is not a situation we can win? She asks what Obama seeks to accomplish and cracks on him as some sort of biblical, Moses-like figure. Classy. What does she want to do? Twenty five minutes in and I haven't heard a real answer about that except the aforementioned drilling. She says government is too big and spends too much. Well who has been in power for the last eight years? Republicans. Even with the 2006 election shifting the House and Senate to the Democrats, the majority in the Senate isn't even enough to overcome a presidential veto. So the Republicans are still calling the shots.
John McCain wants to promote change? Don't make me laugh. The man has marched in lock step with Dubya for the last eight years. That isn't exactly a maverick change-maker in the works. She says that only one man has fought for us. That doesn't fly with me. He may have fought a war, a war that ended the year I was born, but he hasn't fought for me. And he certainly won't fight for me should he be elected president. Because I am not in the middle class who make less than $5 million (well yes, I do make less than $5 million, much, much less). I don't think that drilling for more oil is the answer to our energy crisis or global warming. And I don't think it is right to eavesdrop on our citizens without a warrant, or invade a country because we are bored. I think 17 year old girls should have the choice of whether or not to have a baby or terminate her pregnancy. And yes, I think that my gay and lesbian neighbors should be allowed to marry—ain't gonna impact my marriage.
I just hope that McCain actually details some of what he WILL DO if he is elected. Because this speech offered no details about that.
Here's the nut-nut: She's got charm and she can speak. She has the GOP's condescension-speak down pat too. I just hope that the undecided voters out there don't fall for her cutesy jokes, back combed bouffant and rhetoric that says nothing.
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