Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Here's Johnny!
It comes around the 21 second mark—McCain says horseshit during the break. Classy, John, classy.
I Want My Bailout
If Wall Street gets its $700 billion, shouldn't I be able to just write off a couple of my credit cards? Trust me, they are small potatoes compared to that disaster.
That being said, this whole situation cries out for a giant WTF. I mean really folks. I just don't know what to think about this nightmare. So let's start with what I do know.
First, I don't know crap about economics, never took a class and consider my major mathematical accomplishment to be that I do balance my checkbook. However these banks sold mortgages around to each other is something that simply escapes me. It just makes no sense. Maybe banks shouldn't do things that don't make sense to the mathematically and economically challenged individuals like me and we wouldn't be in this whole stitch. Too late, and we are, so moving on.
Second, I really don't like the idea of handing over money to the jackasses who didn't know how to deal with it in the first place. You might as well hand heroin to a junkie and tell them to enjoy. Not smart. That being said, it would seem to me after yesterday's nose diving stock numbers that if nothing else this money will make those dudes and dudettes in the ridiculous jackets chill out and stop gesturing as wildly. (Which always leads me to think of the scene from Ferris Bueller where they visit the Chicago Exchange—classic. But I digress.)
Thirdly, if giving these asshats a big, fat check is the only solution, then just freakin' do it already. Stop your dithering, Republicans. It isn't exactly like you guys have been the party of fiscal responsibility the last eight years. And you pick NOW to finally stand up to Dubya? Really, killing thousands of our men and women in uniform was something you could get behind, but handing fistfuls of cash to your Wall Street cronies and funders—that wakes you up in the middle of the night? Again I say—WTF? The GOP has been funneling money to these people with their tax loop holes and other manner of nonsense for years and god knows they have returned the favor, pouring money into your campaigns. So way to develop a conscience now you chicken shits.
Lastly, while I say better late than never on the GOP and this whole conscience thing they are giving a whirl, I still can't help but catch the faint whiff of bullshit in the air. I mean, come on! Nancy Pelosi gets up there yesterday, says vote for this and by the way, you and your monkey in the oval office got us into this mess in the first place and what do the House Republicans do? They grab up their blankies and sippy cups and hightail it out of there. So not only did you create this disaster in the first place with all of your deregulation, and you won't cop to it, but now you won't do anything to fix it because some "woman" insulted you.
Dear god. Go the fuck home and see what your constituents have to say about this. God knows I don't want to be moving my family into a refrigerator box ghetto anytime soon or (shudder) even worse, my parents basement.
Nancy Pelosi,
The House,
Wall Street Journal
Behind Blue Eyes
Where to Start?
Gosh, you get buried under some freelance projects (sorry gentle readers, the paying gigs come first) and the world goes to shit all around you.
As one of my fave gossip blogs so aptly reminded me the other day, when you don't know where to start, start at the very beginning, per the wisdom of Ms. Julie Andrews. You can't go wrong with Mary Poppins guiding you.
So the debate. The spouse and I were all excited about Friday night's debate. With the onslaught of cooler weather in our neck of the woods, we were dreaming of crackling fires and bowls of oyster stew to sustain us through the two hours of bullshit. Alas, the fire was not to be, but the bullshit was in abundance.
McCain seemed a bit twitchy to start, but evened out some as things went on. His shout out to Ted Kennedy came off to me as one of the lowest forms of pandering. And while I know the audience was supposed to keep their traps shut, the deafening silence that accompanied several of McCain's efforts to joke seemed telling to this little liberal lover.
Now for my guy—I was displeased that Obama's efforts to get a word in often came off as sounding hesitant or unsure (or at least that was how my Fox News ear translators heard it). But I do think that there were some murmurs of approval/laughter for his efforts at humor.
Overall, I wasn't blown away by either one of the men Friday night, but of course I agreed with more to most of what Obama was saying. But admittedly McCain would have to start performing a lobotomy on himself on live TV for me to even begin to imagine agreeing with him on much.
And then gentle readers, sometime around 10.20 I started to nod off. I apologize, but that is just too late an hour for this delicate southern belle to be exposed to. Nothing good happens after 9pm anyway, I always say.
Friday, September 26, 2008
That "my friends" is the number of votes McCain has missed during his latest tenure in the Senate. That equals 64.1% of the votes taken. That is 15% more missed votes than Sen. Tim Johnson, who you may recall, was out of work for several months due to a, wait for it, a brain hemorrhage.
This number makes McCain's recent concern about being in Washington for the bank bailout talks seem even more false than it already did.
Cluck, Cluck
McCain is playing a seriously demented game of chicken and I think he is going to lose for it. This whole will-he-or-won't-he debate thing is one of the craziest political gambits I have ever seen. Not to mention the fact that for someone who says he has suspended his campaign, he has had a lot of campaign activities going on—his own interview with Katie Couric (that Letterman is still steaming over); a fundraiser headed up by his campaign manager; and the fact that he doesn't seem to be helping with the bank bailout plan.
Now from some of what I have read it doesn't look like the rules will allow Obama to do a townhall thing or take questions from the audience if McCain isn't there. It would be considered giving Obama time that McCain isn't getting and the election board ain't going to have that. (If I am wrong about that, feel free to correct me, but show your sources, people!)
In other news, Palin's second half of her Katie Couric interview might have tanked even worse than the first. When she started talking about Putin invading our airspace my first thoughts were that she was referring to the space between her ears. Ugh.
I think Wanda Sykes said it best on Leno the other night, "I'm a feminist, but I'm sorry ... that woman's crazy!" See more below.
Barack Obama,
Jay Leno,
John McCain,
Katie Couric,
Sarah Palin,
Wanda Sykes
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Calamity George
Time to set the DVR's gentle readers, our illustrious leader will address the nation this eve to allay our fears about the economy and expound on the three (I SHIT YOU NOT!) page document that Congress received from Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke explaining why they needed $700 billion and fast, no questions asked to fix this mess.
Um, dudes . . . I don't think so.
Something tells me ole Georgie Boy doesn't have the vocabulary to make this disaster make sense. But it might be good for kicks and giggles, if of course your heart doesn't explode from your elevated blood pressure.
And just when the networks were finally unveiling some new shows to watch.
Ben Bernanke,
George W. Bush,
Henry Paulson
Now They Have Gone Too Far

Au contraire mon frere! Perhaps in responsible to everyone's metaphorical belt tightening, the good folks at Hersey's have REMOVED chocolate from many of their candies. Yep, gentle readers, you are now buying chocolate-less chocolate. Don't ask me how.
Crispy on the Outside as the scoop.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Oy Vey
Below is Sarah Palin's response to a town hall question over the weekend about keeping any new domestic oil supplies in the U.S.
Oil and coal? Of course, it's a fungible commodity and they don't flag, you know, the molecules, where it's going and where it's not. But in the sense of the Congress today, they know that there are very, very hungry domestic markets that need that oil first. So, I believe that what Congress is going to do, also, is not to allow the export bans to such a degree that it's Americans who get stuck holding the bag without the energy source that is produced here, pumped here. It's got to flow into our domestic markets first.
What does that even mean? Fungible? I thought that was something that grew in your laundry basket. Flagging the molecules? Is that some sort of Alaskan version of football? I am so confused. Apparently that means I am qualified to be VP.
Read more here from ABC. Or watch Wolfie's take on it over at CNN.
PBS Vote
PBS has a short and sweet poll about our favorite GOP gal. Just to get you in the practice for voting for real.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Politely Hostile
That is how my gynocologist described me yesterday. And I wasn't even talking politics! Teehee. Either I am even shittier at controlling my attitude than I previously suspected, or this is one perceptive ob/gyn. But moving beyond the personal . . .

How Bush Destroyed the Republican Party

The September 4 issue of Rolling Stone (RS1060) had an interesting article by Sean Wilentz on Bush and the GOP. I don't think I realized this but apparently Bush truly is special—he is the only president in modern times to have gone from a super high approval rating (he had the highest approval rating ever recorded for a modern president after September 11th) to having the "longest sustained period of public disapproval ever recorded" as he leaves office. According to Gallup, for his 30th quarter, he hit his lowest average approval rating—just 29%. He's been hovering in the low to mid 30s since the first of the year.
Below is the link to the article and the accompanying sidebar if you have some spare time:
And in case you needed the reminder of why his approval ratings are so low, here's a quote:
"I am a person who recognizes the fallacy of humans."
on The Oprah Winfrey Show, September 10, 2000
123 days left . . .
What's in a Name
If you have been waking up lately blue because you have a normal boring name like Mike or Susan, David or Jennifer, never fear! Sarah Palin is here to save the day.
Visit the Palin Offspring Name Generator and discover what nom de plume you would have been blest with if you had burst form from the loins of America's favorite gun-toting, savior of our country, hockey mom Sarah Palin.
Broad's new name? Chap Poach Palin. It sounds like a fish dish gone wrong.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Be a Bitch Supporter
Many of you may not be aware of a little magazine called Bitch. About two years ago I got turned onto the quarterly pub, which bills itself as the feminist response to pop culture.
Admittedly I don't get or agree with all that the magazine contains, but it always makes me think. That is something that I think is really important, personally.
The magazine is non-profit and is supported mostly through donations. Things are bad for them right now. So if you have a minute, check out their site, see what they are about and if you think that their efforts should be allowed to continue, send them a buck or two. Any little bit helps.
Velvet Gloves
The ladies of the View seem to be better journalists than the majority of scribblers and talking heads at the major three networks and the cable stations.
Their interview with McCain may have started out with hugs and kisses, but they quickly brought out the bondage gear and showed him who was truly in power. Barbara called him on Palin's comments about reform, Joy went after him about kowtowing to the right to win.
And then the lies. Teehee! Joy discussed the erroneous ads that McCain has run and his own use of the "lipstick on a pig" comment. Mac blamed the tenor of the campaign partly on Obama's unwillingness to do town hall meetings with him. I think that is weak.
In the second part, Whoopi asks him if he believes in a separation between church and state. He only threw out "In God we trust" twice. She emphasized the diversity of religions in our country and how do they fall into the governing of this nation for the greater good of its inhabitants. And oh goodie, he prays everyday. That comforts me.
Then Elizabeth actually asked him about Roe v. Wade and would he overturn it. Sorry I don't believe him when he says he wouldn't impose a litmus test, and when the man says that Roe v. Wade was a bad decision my head starts to explode. Listen carefully to this section because Whoopi nails him with whether she should be worried about being a slave again. And he says he respects others views on abortion, but I don't see how you can say that and want to make the choice of whether to carry a fetus to term unavailable.
I could have done without the POW suck up talk at the end.
The third part of the interview brought Cindy McCain out to join the whole gang and was a bit more touchy feely and lovey dovey. So whatever.
But the fact that Joy and Whoopi and Barbara actually had the brass ones to confront him on some questions that other "journalists" haven't so I have to applaud them for that.
Quiz Time

And just in case you were curious, my results:
Barack Obama
Score: 52
Agree: Iraq; Economy; Health Care; Social Security; Roe vs. Wade; Line-item Veto; Gay Marriage; 2nd Amendment; Education; Free Trade
Disagree: Ethanol; Oil
A Whiter Shade of Palin
In honor of Obama's request to supporters and staff yesterday to stop talking about the infernal dingbat, this will be my last Palin-focused post for a bit, but just in case some of you have been living in a cave for the last week or so I had to highlight a couple of the truly disturbing tidbits that have come to light about Ms. Alaska.
- As mayor of Wasilla, she made possible rape victims pay for their own rape kit exams at the hospital.
- She spent as much as $35,000 (admittedly of her own money—but nonetheless, really?) on a tanning bed for the governor's mansion.
- First she was going to testify in regards to whether or not she had her former brother in law fired, and now she might not. Go figure.
- Apparently Newsweek swiped its cover title "Palin-tol-ogy" last week from a blogger (teehee) but it is a good read on all things Palin should you be able to stomach it.
- Obama's former minister, Reverend Wright, ain't got nothing on Palin's Pentecostal preacher. Apparently Palin didn't speak in tongues, but maybe this guy should have been doing it more instead of questioning whether people who voted for Kerry in 04 would get into heaven and hoping that people who spoke out against Bush would go to hell. Lovely, just what I look for in a Sunday morning sermon!
- Finally, Ms. Palin may claim to not be a member of the "good 'ole boys" club, but she does seem to be fond of rewarding friends and family as detailed in this NY Times piece.
I think that about does it.
Barack Obama,
NY Times,
Sarah Palin
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Saturday Night Smackdown
My girl crush nailed it I must say.
Yes kiddies, I am back, there will be more later. But first I have to share what exactly the Bush Doctrine is with Sarah Palin. It appears she isn't sure.
Yes kiddies, I am back, there will be more later. But first I have to share what exactly the Bush Doctrine is with Sarah Palin. It appears she isn't sure.
Friday, September 5, 2008
The Tide Is High

The conventions are over. The signs have been put away, the protesters corralled, and all the balloons dropped. And I am a bit weary of all things political.
So it seems fitting that my vacation falls next week. I may blog. I may not. It depends on how the oysters and beer lead me. In the meantime, I promise to use lots of SPF to keep my lily white hide young and fresh looking (maybe I could someday be a VPILF too!) and to tip my waitresses well.
Now if those pesky non-greenhouse gas induced hurricanes would just leave me alone, all would be well.
Till later . . .
Mac Bite
Here's another little McCain-inspired ditty provided by friend of the blog, Chad Boulet.
The Old Man and the VP
I have put it off as long as I could, actually doing some work, then lunch, and finally some more work and now I am just going to have to suck it up and watch McCain's little tirade from last night.
Let's discuss.
First, did they really put a green screen behind him again? Stephen Colbert is going to be ALL over this one, "my friends." Nope, it is just the lawn of some big ass house? What is that place?
And there was a protester saying McCain voted against vets. AWESOME! All the USA chanting is making me feel like I am at some sort of youth rally for the army. Dude has seven kids, put that with Palin's and they have a softball team!
I do have to give his mom props—she is a SPRY 96. Course, he has to mention her age to make himself appear less decrepit.
Wow, he actually said something nice about Obama, a backhanded, I'm-more-patriotic-then-you way. And on cue, the screen changes to a giant, billowing American flag behind him, in case you missed the point.
Oh goodie, looks like a Code Pink-er got in and tried to disrupt things. When did John McCain lose the ability to smile with sincerity? He said how all Americans want is for our government to stand by our side and not in our way. Well, no that isn't exactly true. Sometimes I think that government has to do more than just stand idly by. Sometimes they need to step in to fix things, or regulate matters.
When Mac talks about "change coming" I would love to know how he thinks he is different from Bush's last eight years. Great you are going to keep your word, but that still doesn't tell me what you will DO. I just saw some dude with a sign that said reform. Wtf? How does the GOP think they can cozy up to Dubya and yet say they want reform? Am I the only one that sees this as as giant disconnect?
He talks about how the surge in Iraq helped the troops not be demoralized. Really? You think that those people who have been over there four or five times, and their families who are left behind, aren't demoralized?
Next we get the litany of "real" people stories, who McCain fights for. Now what he is going to do to make their lives better, I am not clear on. Wait, he is going to make sure we remain safe from our enemies. Golly, I feel safer already. He wants to restore the pride and principles of his party. Good luck with that. "We lost the trust of the American people." So Johnny are you saying you fucked up but please give you another four years, because this time you swear you will get it right? I feel like I am listening to a junkie promising that this time he REALLY will stay away from the smack.
Now he tells me we are all God's children. And the Republicans believe in spending discipline. Gotta say that the last eight years don't do that much to back that claim up.
Truly, WTF? Government that doesn't make choices for us, but works to make sure we have more choices to make for ourselves??? I can't believe a bolt from the sky didn't strike him then and there. The GOP doesn't want us to have choices. They want us to all be cookie cutter evangelicals who only eat white bread and have missionary position sex with a person of the opposite, but only if we are married to them and only to breed. Dear barbara.
Now he is getting to a bit of substance, but nothing indepth, just platitudes followed by boos with every mention of what Obama will supposedly do. Talking about healthcare, honey, a bureaucrat already stands between me and getting healthcare, who are you kidding?
Interesting that McCain is going into detail about schools. He does seem to be the first speaker I have heard all week that actually brought up anything policy related. When he talks about sending $700 billion to countries that don't like us, is he aware that he is referring to Iraq and therefore vis-a-vis the surge. Oops! Apparently that comment was directed to the countries we buy oil from. Time for the drilling chant again and the whole nuke/clean coal nonsense.
Time to show the world again how Americans lead? Something tells me that if McCain is elected, the "world" isn't going to give a flying flip for the US, much less be interested in seeing us lead.
OH GOODIE! Now we get to the part where he tries to scare people with all the boogeymen out there who are coming to get us. Good thing Russia invaded Georgia because he even gets to through in the threat of another Cold War and the possibility of Soviet world dominance.
He wants to change the way the government does almost everything. Now that is a tall order mister. Set a new standard for transparency, well that shouldn't be too hard considering currently our government is shrouded in pea soup fog.
And yes, one last I-was-a-POW and that makes me special shout out. This hand is played maverick. Time to get a new trick. You know, my father served almost two tours in Vietnam. He was a helicopter mechanic, so I don't think he saw much "action" but I honestly don't know, because he doesn't talk about it. How many Vietnam vets do you know that run off at the mouth about the experience?
You know, I just realized, that while several of the Democratic speeches brought a tear to my eye, there wasn't anything in any of the GOP speeches that made me emotional in that way. They all seemed too snarky or angry or contrived. Maybe I am just more cynical about the Republicans.
I am glad that McCain feels that America saved him, but I think he summed up the crux of the problem with him when he said this: "And I will fight for her for as long as I draw breath, so help me God." I am not sure that America needs to be fought for in the way he seems to be implying. Especially if you go back to his earlier argument that our legislators need to be less partisan, shouldn't we stop fighting and learn to get along and work together? Shouldn't we start being offensive, about things like the environment and energy, rather than continue to be defensive and just react when we are pushed into a corner. Then again, Bush and his buddies thought they were being offensive in regards to Iraq, so maybe the GOP doesn't do offense so well.
Well that is 49 minutes of my life I will never get back. I must really be devoted to you people to have watched all the GOP speeches I watched this week. I think I have taken about 10 years off of my life and raised my blood pressure 20 points.
Today's Videos
I highly recommend the entire September 3 episode of The Daily Show. Jon Stewart was on fire, but this clip is probably the best of the night.
This second clip is from MoveOn.org.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
I forgot to listen to Mitt Romney's speech. Something tells me that I am not the only person in the country that has tried to block him out of their memories.
Apology Accepted
Roger Simon has a great article today on Politico satirizing what the media should be apologizing for in their quest to uncover the facts about Sarah Palin.
This is good stuff.
Next Stop, Alaska
Heck, I don't know about ya'll but I am moving to Alaska. Did you know they don't pay state taxes there? And on top of it all, each citizen gets about a $2,000 dividend every year from their oil wealth savings account?
And on top of that Palin just got a one-time bonus of $1,200 passed for each Alaskan to help them cope with higher gas prices.
Well golly! No wonder she has an 80% approval rating. I might approve of Satan himself if he were handing me more than $3,000 a year. That means that Palin's family of seven will net more than $20,000 from the state of Alaska this year.
All this is due to a windfall tax the state has placed on oil companies. Something, if I remember correctly, Republicans in Washington, D.C. have been squawking about. Wouldn't want to take money out of their buddies pockets, now would we? So maybe that does make her a "maverick" where her party is concerned, but how does that fly with the GOP ideal of citizens taking care of themselves?
And then there is the matter of her running mate, McCain. He is one of those who opposes the idea of windfall taxes. Interesting . . .
Read more from the Seattle Times here.
John McCain,
Sarah Palin,
Windfall taxes
But Can She Lead Our Country?

Seriously, what did the self-described hockey mom have to say last night. (And yes the image is totally fake and photoshopped, but I think it is a riot. So there.) Near the beginning I thought she was going to break into her version of Turn, Turn, Turn by the Byrds. "There's a time for blah, blah, blah."
Then we got the family introductions. No Palin, your family isn't typical. Most people don't have five children. Or a mom that is governor. But none of that matters in terms of you being vice president. And while I am glad that your parents taught you girls can do anything, I have my doubts as to whether your tenure as vp, should you win, would give girls those same choices and values. So we are 10 minutes into a 36 minute speech and nothing about why she should be a heartbeat away from the oval office.
(Just an aside, Palin's youngest daughter licking her hand and flattening her baby brother's hair was a riot!!!!)
And then the pit bull in lipstick decided to get her two cents in about how a community organizer is a fluffy, do nothing job, but a small town mayor, now that is something!
See, she's just like us! She drives herself to work! She got rid of the governor's chef. And during it all she balanced Alaska's budget. Thanks, but no thanks to the bridge to nowhere? Well that isn't exactly true, she did back it at first. But now she is against it, so that is ok! Just imagine what she could accomplish if she had two more years as governor!!
Oil, oil, oil. Russia's using energy as a weapon. We gotta drill people! This is from a gal that knows the north slope of Alaska! So you can trust what she says. Clean coal? That's an oxymoron. Good luck building those nuclear plants. Wanna put one in your back yard?
Palin refers to Obama as her "opponent." Yeah, wouldn't want to humanize him by using his name would you? Then she started in on Obama never saying the word victory in regards to Iraq. Perhaps, because that is not a situation we can win? She asks what Obama seeks to accomplish and cracks on him as some sort of biblical, Moses-like figure. Classy. What does she want to do? Twenty five minutes in and I haven't heard a real answer about that except the aforementioned drilling. She says government is too big and spends too much. Well who has been in power for the last eight years? Republicans. Even with the 2006 election shifting the House and Senate to the Democrats, the majority in the Senate isn't even enough to overcome a presidential veto. So the Republicans are still calling the shots.
John McCain wants to promote change? Don't make me laugh. The man has marched in lock step with Dubya for the last eight years. That isn't exactly a maverick change-maker in the works. She says that only one man has fought for us. That doesn't fly with me. He may have fought a war, a war that ended the year I was born, but he hasn't fought for me. And he certainly won't fight for me should he be elected president. Because I am not in the middle class who make less than $5 million (well yes, I do make less than $5 million, much, much less). I don't think that drilling for more oil is the answer to our energy crisis or global warming. And I don't think it is right to eavesdrop on our citizens without a warrant, or invade a country because we are bored. I think 17 year old girls should have the choice of whether or not to have a baby or terminate her pregnancy. And yes, I think that my gay and lesbian neighbors should be allowed to marry—ain't gonna impact my marriage.
I just hope that McCain actually details some of what he WILL DO if he is elected. Because this speech offered no details about that.
Here's the nut-nut: She's got charm and she can speak. She has the GOP's condescension-speak down pat too. I just hope that the undecided voters out there don't fall for her cutesy jokes, back combed bouffant and rhetoric that says nothing.
Barack Obama,
John McCain,
Republican Convention,
Sarah Palin
Me? Angry?
Why yeah, maybe I am. So if Dubya wants to consider me a member of the angry left, I will cop to that.

But enough about me . . . on to the GOP. I feel like I have just been through some sort of right re-orientation effort. I watched Bush's taped speech (dude stuck to the script and didn't sound too stupid, for once, but it wasn't exactly the Gettysburg Address), then Fred Thompson (had to bring an actor in to sell the lines I suppose and yes, I have always longed for my VP to know how to field dress a moose, that should come in handy). Of course the crux of Thompson's speech was detailing McCain's history, particularly his war injuries and his time as a prisoner of war. He told some cutesy stories about McCain being a rebel and troublemaker at the Naval Academy. I guess I am just over it. I admit I am not the most objective at this point, but I am SO tired of having his military service rammed down my throat. Yes, he served; yes he was a prisoner of war; but there are a lot of men walking our streets today who served and our country has neglected them. So don't hold up McCain like he is something special.
Ah Joe Lieberman—no dude you really hurt me and if you are a member of my larger family I would make you sit outside at Thanksgiving and eat in the cold. Last I checked you were an "independent," not a democrat. And for God's sake Joe, stop giggling. Then he spoke directly to me and "my anger." Nope, not thinking of voting for McCain. Yep, never voted for a Republican for President. Yep, no ordinary election. Nope, McCain strikes me as an ordinary candidate. And don't worry Joe I WILL be voting for the person I believe is best for our country and that person continues to be a democrat.

Ok Mike, what you got for me? There it is, that twinkly charm! I do hate to cop to any of you GOP-ers being charming. And then you had to go and slam Madonna. Not cool, dude. Chick is 50 and still has it. Next the Huckster tried to co-op the word change and scare people with "European" ideas (quite the pop culture icon too, referring to Obama's European trip as his excellent adventure). Yep, I find those terrifying myself. But not as terrifying as Lava soap. Or your testament that Republicans are hands dirty, up by their bootstraps, heavy laborers that wouldn't dream of asking for any help EVER from the federal government. And good, god damn, again with McCain's inability to lift his arms above his head, you and Thompson should have discussed which one was going to harp on that nugget in advance.
Up next, Rudy Giuliani. Shocker, they put the skyline of NYC behind him—nice touch. I thought is was especially classy when Giuliani mocked Obama's experience as a community organizer, like that is somehow akin to being an idiot or slacker. And again with the snickery laughing. Do they teach that in young Republican school?
Rudy harped on Obama being the least experienced candidate saying he has led "nada." How many senators have gone on to become presidents in our country exactly? Seven. Do you consider that none of those led anything? But less than two years as governor of a state with a population (670,000) that is less than the state of Rhode Island's (just over 1 million) qualifies you? "Change is not a destination, just as hope is not a strategy." But giving grannies heart attacks in their tapioca that some "Islamofacist" is coming to get them, that's a sound way to campaign? "Drill Baby, Drill." Yes Rudy it is INCORRECT to say Islamic terrorism. Not all followers of Islam are terrorist and it is unfair to paint the entire religion with that brush. No that is a chant folks! It amazes me that the GOP thinks that there is a victory to be had out there against terrorists. Pompous blow hole. If Palin represents a new generation, what does Obama represent who is only a couple of years older? Hold me back, she has been a mayor of a VERY small town; but this condescension towards Obama is beyond distasteful. Talk about his record, his experience, whatever, but you don't have to be snotty about it. If the facts aren't enough, then maybe he is a good candidate and your's isn't. Excuse me, I need go vomit while Rudy gets sanctimonious about the anti-sexism the GOP demonstrates. And I have a bridge to nowhere in Alaska that I can sell you.
But the biggest shocker of all? He only mentioned September 11th one time. They must have attached electrodes to his balls and threatened to shock him if he said it too many times.
I think Palin's little ditty deserves its own post. The brain washing continues, damn my head is starting to hurt. Next!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Forgive Me Father, I Have Sinned

I tried to watch last night, I really did. I got about a minute into Congressman John Boehner's speech and he started talking about people in caves who were out to get us and I just couldn't do it. I just couldn't listen to the right's efforts to fear monger.
This morning on NPR on my way into work I heard a snippet from Fred Thompson's speech about how the media is being unfair to Palin and how she is a reformer with a capital R.
And about that. Friend of the blog, Chad Boulet, commented on a previous post about his head exploding over the fact that no one seems to be talking about important things like the war and the economy. And I wholeheartedly agree. But meanwhile, my own head may combust if I hear the words reformer or maverick mentioned again, especially in reference to Palin or McCain.
Per Merriam-Webster online:
Reformer—one that works for or urges reform.
Reform—1 a: to put or change into an improved form or condition b: to amend or improve by change of form or removal of faults or abuses
2: to put an end to (an evil) by enforcing or introducing a better method or course of action
3: to induce or cause to abandon evil ways
4 a: to subject (hydrocarbons) to cracking b: to produce (as gasoline or gas) by cracking
intransitive verb: to become changed for the better
2: to put an end to (an evil) by enforcing or introducing a better method or course of action
3: to induce or cause to abandon evil ways
4 a: to subject (hydrocarbons) to cracking b: to produce (as gasoline or gas) by cracking
intransitive verb: to become changed for the better
Maverick—1: an unbranded range animal; especially : a motherless calf
2: an independent individual who does not go along with a group or party
2: an independent individual who does not go along with a group or party
Palin hasn't even served as Alaska's governor for two years yet; I would say the jury is still out on her "reformer" capabilities, especially since she is already under investigation for misdeeds.
So far as McCain and his "maverick" status. The man has done nothing but tow the GOP line and kiss Dubya's ass since his own behind was handed to him on a platter in the 2000 election. McCain has voted 90% of the time or more with Bush's policies. Does 10% make you a maverick?
So my plan was to go online and find the important speeches and listen to them today, but I have been quite busy with work and couldn't bring myself to do it. I promise I will be all caught up and opinionated on it all tomorrow.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Weighing In
The NY Times has weighed in on the craziness surrounding Governor Palin and her expanding familia. The link to the story is below. What I find most interesting is the Times' mention of McCain wanting Lieberman or Ridge and how those two got torpedoed and how Palin was slotted in at the eleventh hour with little vetting. Also interesting, the idea that few of her colleagues in Alaska were asked about her as part of the vetting process.
40 Weeks
It is a common myth that a pregnancy lasts nine months. Actually it is 10 if you count it the way doctors do. A baby is full term at 40 weeks. Sarah Palin's daughter is half way through her pregnancy, but as all parents know, for most people, those 40 weeks are the easy part.
I refuse to cast stones at a 17 year old. She made a mistake; she has made her decision on how to handle that; and I wish her patience and perseverance. She will need both in truckloads in the months and years ahead.
There have been a lot of other rumors circulating about whether Palin's youngest child is her own or her daughter's. And of course there is speculation as to whether or not McCain knew about her daughter's pregnancy when he tapped Palin as his VP pick.
We don't know for sure, and may never. I have even heard talk that McCain really wanted Lieberman but his aides balked and McCain raged and eventually Palin was chosen at the last moment. Maybe she was fully vetted in advance, maybe she wasn't.
The real crux of the issue is what the woman stands for, what she knows and could she take the reins of running the free world, should McCain keel over. I could give a crap if her daughter is knocked up, although I don't appreciate the sanctimonious statements coming from the right about abortion as a result of this. And I do have to say that if the religious right is won over to McCain, someone they have admitted major reservations about in the past simply because his running mate choose to have a handicapped child and didn't urge her underage daughter to have an abortion than their priorities are more skewed than I thought. While I freely admit that a candidate's stand on abortion plays into whether or not I vote for them, it is about much more than that. Palin and her family's life choices do not fundamentally change John McCain.
Here is a story that references several Alaskan papers and what they have said about Palin, the pregnancy of her daughter and Palin's record:
Lovely Ladies
I will give Laura Bush and Cindy McCain the benefit of the doubt, they are probably lovely ladies. But their public speaking skills leave something to be desired, especially Laura Bush. Cindy McCain seemed far more comfortable in terms of addressing the audience, although considering she spoke for about two minutes it is hard to give a valid assessment. But hey, at least Laura Bush got to acknowledged all the great governors in the Gulf Coast states. I wonder if they weren't all Republicans if she would be referring to them as "great?"

Then Rick Perry, Governor of Texas, referred to the states as Republican states. UGH! And that these Republican governors are taking care of these people. Wonder if the residents of New Orleans feel the same? Gosh knows the Democratic governor Blanco who served during
Katrina felt the same love dealing with that horrific crisis?

I know it is wrong of me as an avowed feminist to say this, but I
just can't help myself—Cindy McCain is a Barbie doll brought to life!
Today, supposedly the Republican Convention will get back on track, so to speak, after being somewhat derailed by Hurricane Gustav. I wonder how sad the convention is that Bush and Cheney won't be speaking now?
Finally, I have to wonder, are the Republican convention attendees just more sedate than the Democratic folks or do they just have less to be excited about? Laura Bush did get a good round of applause when she first came out, but otherwise, things struck me as a bit tepid.
Cindy McCain,
Laura Bush,
Republican Convention
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