Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Presidential Trivia

I was reading the latest Vanity Fair last night. (Yes the one with Angelina Jolie on the cover looking like sex on a stick. That woman is enough to make you want to switch teams, but that is another post altogether!) Anyway, there was an article about Bill Clinton and it mentioned how he was one of only three democrats to be elected to two terms in the White House in the 20th century and to serve the full eight years. 

For some reason this sparked my curiosity. Of course I figured FDR was one of the three, but I couldn't come up with the third. So I called my go-to-source for all things presidential trivia related, my father. His answer—Woodrow Wilson. Mystery solved.

Of course then I wanted to know the comparable facts about Republicans. So I asked that and was supplied with the correct information as well: Theodore Roosevelt, Dwight Eisenhower and Ronald Reagan.

This has no real point or reason, it just intrigued me.


Rev Wes Isley said...

I've been so delinquent about posting!

And Angelina would totally tempt me to switch teams! As long as Brad wasn't around....

Congrats on the Apex award, by the way!

broad minded said...

merci, merci, if only it were the pulitzer . . .