Thursday, July 10, 2008

Careful What You Say

The media today seems to be paying some attention to Jesse Jackson's supposed "gaffe" on Fox News earlier in the week. In case you missed it, Jackson whispered to UnitedHealth Group executive Dr. Reed V. Tuckson Sunday morning, thinking that his mic was off (presumably), "See, Barack's been talking down to black people ... I want to cut his nuts off."  

The former civil rights leader seems determined to flush any legitimacy he has remaining down the tubes. What is with him and Al Sharpton? Are they both such media whores now that they don't care what kind of attention they are getting as long as someone, ANYONE is listening to them? They both seem to crawl out of the woodwork at the most inopportune times and do whatever they can to diminish other African Americans in the spotlight.

Meanwhile, the GOP side is having its own diarrhea of the mouth. Yet the media isn't really saying much about this. Does McCain have naked pictures of Wolf Blitzer in some sexual act with Sean Hannity??? Responding to a question about a survey that shows increased exports to Iran, mainly from cigarettes, McCain said, "Maybe that's a way of killing them."

Well nice one Mac. Right up there with your Beach Boys rendition of Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Iran. You really are a kind and gentle-hearted soul.


Rev Wes Isley said...

I'm still LOL-ing about Jackson's comment. I just hope this doesn't somehow distract from Obama and his message.

McCain--so do we really want this guy as the leader of our country? Do we want the kind of person who would say such boneheaded things in public to be the one who deals with the Iranians? As if they didn't hate us enough already. I mean, who's crazier? McCain or Ahmadinejad?

wait, LOL-ing---is that a word?

Anonymous said...

Come on Broad,

Libs have taken this way to far.
You yourself dislike Bush and Helms, and have been very vocal about it. This is your right as an american is it not? It seems that Libs think anyone is fair game except Obama. The only thing anyone is allowed to say about him must be positive. Any negative is called un-american or predjudice etc.. Why is this man above anyone being able to have a negative thought about. Had it not been for Jackson paving the way, Obama would not be where he is. Libs need to give this a rest. The more people are spanked for disagreeing with Obama the bigger backlash there will be on election day. No one in this country who chooses to run for political office should be above scrutiney even Mr. Obama. Rev. Jackson as an American has a right to his oppenion. I find it funny that Jackson, who has spent the better part of his life promoting the Lib cause has been so readily attacked on behalf of Obama. Who is next? Kennedy, Gore,MLK

broad minded said...

Anon, please don't misunderstand. I don't object to criticizing Obama at all, in fact I believe I have done that myself on occasion here on this blog. Most recently over the FISA legislation, which I am very bothered by the fact that Obama voted in favor of immunity for the telecoms. I do not think that Obama is going to magically sweep in and solve all our problems, he is not the second coming. I do however think he is the best option of the four (including Barr and Nader) that are offered this election.

But to your point about what Jackson said, I don't object to the criticism, I object to a public figure of some stature using that kind of language to express himself—i object to the latter part of the sentence. Say Obama is talking down, even say you are angry about it. but don't go on Fox news which is automatically hostile towards the democratic candidate and all democrats and basically shoot you, the candidate and the party in the foot. that is just bad form and jackson should know better.

basically, if you are a public figure and you are going to say something bad about someone, i think you should think about whether or not you would say the same thing in front of your grandmother. if it passes that test than you have my blessings.