Think of that question as a tree in the woods kind of thing. I watched the debate from about 8.25 pm to about 8.50 pm when I had had MORE than enough. During that 25 minutes the ABC moderators didn't ask a single policy based question. It was all Bosnia sniper fire, bitterness and it was wrong, wrong, wrong.
Listen, I know that there isn't much difference between Obama and Clinton in terms of policy, but is it too much to expect to have that be the main point of a debate? I wasn't a debater in high school, but I thought the point was to take an idea and talk about the two different sides. Are their two sides in need of debate about whether Clinton came under sniper fire in Bosnia?
I am just completely disgusted with the news media right now. Why do they continue to make an issue of this damn flag pin thing? Are we Americans really so stupid that we can't believe someone is patriotic unless they are drapped in the freakin' flag??? Maybe Colbert was right the other night when he suggested to Michelle Obama that her husband should dress up as the Statue of Liberty.
I don't know what else to say about this other than I think our news media is doing the American people a HUGE disservice. And they should be ashamed of themselves.
I know we've already discussed but wanted to post anyway. When other people used to bitch about the media, I used to think they were just sour grapes, but it does seem that this time around, the media is just regurgitating whatever comes their way without any analysis. Was the media always this way and I was just asleep?
no i think since the rise of outlets like FOX and with the right having a strangle hold on talk radio since the demise of the fairness doctrine, the "regular" media has started pandering to the right more. so much for the liberal media bias.
apparently, sean hannity was responsible for at least one of the questions george stephanapolous asked the candidates last night. merde!
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