Thursday, April 10, 2008

How Low Can He Go?

The latest AP-Ipsos poll has Bush's approval ratings at 28 percent, a new low for 'ole Dubya. Apparently he is so distraught he is heading off to Crawford for a few days of brush clearing. (Is it just me or could Bush singlehandedly be causing global warming by getting rid of all that brush?)

Meanwhile he may not have hit poor Harry Truman's all-time approval rating low of 23, but here's hopin'.

In the vein of how low can he go . . . there have been some rumblings about the possibility of Bush using executive privilege to pay for the next round of war spending, if Congress doesn't approve the $108 billion request that he currently has before them. I have been searching for some definite info on this and can't come up with anything, but I will keep looking. If you know of anything, please leave a comment.

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