Friday, April 25, 2008

GOP 1; Women 0

Yesterday the Republicans in the Senate blocked a bill that would reverse a recent Supreme Court decision that made it harder for women to sue their employers for wage discrimination. The White House said it opposed discrimination, but of course, promised to veto the bill should it have passed the Senate (the House had already passed it). FYI—both Clinton and Obama headed back to vote, while McCain did not. Guess Mac doesn't care about working women.

The Lily Ledbetter bill was named for the Alabama woman who the Supreme Court ruled wasn't allowed to sue Goodyear Tire because she had waited longer than 180 days from the first incident of the discrimination to file suit.

Read more about it here. I personally love what Mitch McConnell, Senate Republican leader had to say about the bill, "The fundamental problem is that it creates massive new opportunities to sue." Basically the GOP acknowledges that women are getting shafted, but they just don't want companies to be held accountable for that. Nice.

I don't know about ya'll but most places I have worked at have frowned on discussing your salary. But with the majority of women still making 23% less than their male coworkers I am certain that I was making less (and probably still am) than males in my position—even after taking into account experience and education. Of course the kicker is in some cases the woman may have more of both and still be coming up short.

I didn't realize that a penis was SO magical! Makes me proud to be an American.

Gosh thanks Senate Republicans!

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