Monday, April 7, 2008

The GOP's New Black Friend

It is starting to look like the GOP, and McCain particular, really do watch The Colbert Report. Over the weekend on ABC's This Week program, Dan Senor, a republican strategist (what the freak does that MEAN? could I be an American Idol strategist because I watch every episode and am not afraid to voice my opinion?), said that Condoleezza Rice has been actively campaigning the McCain campaign to be his VP pick.

Holy pajama bottoms Batman! This certainly wouldn't be the sneakiest thing the GOP has ever pulled, but it comes close. In a lot of people's eyes this would be a brilliant counter-punch to the Democrats offering up either the first African American or female presidential candidate. TaDa! An African American woman! Beat that liberals.

But not so fast. What would Condi really bring to the ticket? Foreign policy experience, but does McCain really need balancing in that area? And how many African Americans or women for that matter who are either undecided or liberal are going to be swayed by Rice? Frankly, she comes off as even less "black" than Obama if you want to go down that road. And of course she plays a mean concert piano.

Finally, is it a positive for the McCain campaign to literally connect themselves to the Bush Administration by selecting as his VP one of its longest running cabinet members? I mean I get that McCain thinks he can somehow turn Bush's legacy of destruction and devastation into a winning bid for the White House, but pardon me if I don't get how. And Condi has been riding shotgun for the whole eight years, smiling at  her husband Dubya the whole time.


Anonymous said...

Finally, is it a positive for the McCain campaign to literally connect themselves to the Bush Administration by selecting as his VP one of its longest running cabinet members?
I think for the folks who think McCain is too centrist, yes, it is a positive. Shudder.
After the e-mail I got this morning from MoveOn with "Top 10 Things You Didn't Know About McCain" (#2: According to Bloomberg News, McCain is more hawkish than Bush on Iraq, Russia and China. Conservative columnist Pat Buchanan says McCain "will make Cheney look like Gandhi.") I am officially freaked out about this guy.

broad minded said...

good point. and yes, when McCain says he is willing to spend 100 more years in Iraq - he ain't kidding. plus he is all for going after Iran from what I understand.

wow buchanan said that? sobering indeedy.

Rev Wes Isley said...

I've been wondering for a while if McCain might pull this trick, a very smart one, IMHO. I think the Republicans need to spice up McCain's old grizzled image--either Hillary or Obama look much younger and inspiring. Condi has her own baggage, mind you, but this is the Republicans we're talking about.