Anyone . . . Bueller, Bueller?
Is there something you want me to look into and post more about? Anon, don't you have some right-leaning comment to make about me hugging trees? What about my six other loyal readers . . . Is there a topic you want me to lay off? Can anyone tell me who to vote for?
The voices in my head are getting rowdy and need some interaction. They get bored just talking to themselves.
Luv u, but I am not as politically astute as you are, so I feel like a putz weighing in. Plus, I start to get angry when I think about the state of things, so I try to limit my exposure to all things political. I did just make a contribution to NRDC, though. :)
Right now, I'm planning to vote for Obama. I think my Mom is, too. Dad won't, but at least he is fed up with the current situation.
Have enjoyed the McCain bits. :)
Sweet T
i am somewhat mollified, but i will need a lot more of you to kiss up to me to make me TRULY feel better.
Never fear, my dear. Now that I'm back from cavorting all of the state, I will be sure to post promptly and often (although work may get in the way now and then--I apologize for using such foul, four-letter-word language on your site).
Now, stop pouting!
that should be "cavorting all OVER the state." My fast little fingers get away from me at times....
woohoo! more love . . .
i'm with sweet t. i'm not politically minded enough to speak w/ any authority on most of these issues. but i am reading. as for the other anon you mentioned (aka the hubs) his online time has lately (as in the last 6 months) been devoted to craigslist and finding a truck. hell, i don't even think he reads ME anymore! LOL
ok, one more thing cos i was thinking about this on the way to work as i heard yet another political ad. i really am still up in the air about the fed election. however, i have no clue about state/local stuff. can you perhaps bloviate on that??? : ) educate us?
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