Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Keystone Comments

"You've got conservative whites here, and I think there are some whites who are probably not ready to vote for an African-American candidate." Ed Rendell, Pennsylvania Governor, April 15, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Isn't it interesting that the press is still trying to make a big deal out of Obama's "bitter" remark, but the Pennsylvania Governor makes the following statement (which is just as sadly true as what Obama said in my humble opinion) and little is heard about it?

In fact when I googled Rendell and Obama, it came up at the very bottom of the first page.

IN OTHER NEWS: The McCain Edition
  • If you have heard about McCain's "gas-tax holiday" idea your initial reaction may be YIPPEE. Well, sorry, but you might want to curb that enthusiasm just a wee bit. It is a bad, bad, bad idea. It would actually end up costing us $11 billion a year and cause gas prices to increase even more. Don't believe me? Read more here
  • Despite his recent comments on The View, McCain is not going to be lending his support to the bipartisan renewal and expansion of the GI bill I discussed previously. Salon has more.
  • And in case you had planned to prepare a McCain family favorite for dinner tonight, per the recipes offered up on the GOP candidates Web site (courtesy of his gracious wife, Cindy) you might want to call up Paula Deen or Rachel Ray and offer them your thanks instead. Apparently the recipes were lifted WORD FOR WORD from Really? Come on guys, you couldn't take the five minutes it would have required to get Mrs. McCain to share her secret Mac n' cheese recipe (stir in one injured war veteran and add lots of velvetta!)? This is just sad.


creative kerfuffle said...

another thought, though not at all about your post (sorry) but after we watched stop loss the hubs also told me about the selective service. were you aware that when our babies are 18 they BY LAW have to register w/ the government so they can be easily located in case of a draft?????WTF i want to fucking move.

broad minded said...

yep. and while i hate it beyond belief, i also think it is wrong that in this day and age it is only the dudes who have to do that.

creative kerfuffle said...

i didn't even get that far in thought. i had to have known this at some point but for some reason it took me off guard and angered me. it sounds barbaric and big brotherish and i hate it. the hubs and i disagree on this. i'm for moving to canada or holland or somewhere but he says no. dammit.

broad minded said...

honestly i think the american people would pitch such a colossal fit if the draft ever came back that i don't think it is really something we have to worry about. that is one thing vietnam fixed.

although my husband thinks that everyone should have to do 2 years of service, either military or the americorps/peace corps type of thing. that is something i might be able to get behind, as long as it didn't HAVE to be a military thing.

Rev Wes Isley said...

Broad, I agree with your comment on the gas tax. And with an expensive, never-ending war in Iraq going on, can we afford a huge tax cut like this?

Anonymous said...

RE McCain and "EVOO-Gate:"
This illustrates how out of touch with the people the guy is. As if no one would visit the web site of some obscure TV network with a food theme. Food Network is currently THE go-to site web site for recipes on the Web. Negligence or Bush-level stupidity on the McCain camp's part?

Perhaps Bobby Flay should challenge JM to a THROWDOWN!

broad minded said...

exactly. thanks for weighing in mr. boulet!