"Mood swings? Nineteen post-graduate degrees in mathematics, and your best explanation for going from a 63 to a 46 percent approval rating in five weeks is mood swings?"
"Well, I could explain it better, but I'd need charts, and graphs, and an easel."
You get a gold star if you can id what movie that dialogue comes from. Those lines seem especially apropos this morning after yesterday's wins for Team Clinton. While the actual delegate count is still a bit up in the air (Clinton won the Texas primary, but the Texas caucus is still undecided according to CNN—can someone explain THAT shit to me?), winning Texas and Ohio is a big deal and it keeps Clinton in the game for another inning.
Man I am FEELING the sports analogies this morning . . .
Frankly I am excited. I don't want to have a decision yet between Clinton and Obama. (Hell, I can't make up my own mind yet.) While the GOP may try and play this prolonged nomination process for the left as only helping there side because the Dems are spending their money fighting each other and not the Republicans, I don't buy it. I think it is kick ass that we have such a close campaign and that the Democratic party is blessed to have two such talented candidates to choose from. Whichever person ends up clinching the nomination, the party wins as does the country.
Maybe it is just my venti skinny mocha talking, but dang I am pumped about the results this morning. Obama shouldn't be taking anything for granted. ("America isn't easy. America is advanced citizenship. You've got to want it bad, because it's gonna put up a fight.") And Clinton shouldn't be counted out.
Oh yeah, McCain cinched the Republican nomination. Yawn.
Up next—Wyoming caucuses for the Democrats on Saturday and Mississippi votes on the 11th. Then we sit tight until April 22 when the Pennsylvania primary takes place. This is another biggie and if Clinton pulls that one out then the delegate race gets even tighter.
"My name is Andrew Shepard and I am the president."
I miss the alternate reality of the Sorkin-verse! Can we bring back Jed Bartlet?
Anyway - I am not too upset about this, even being in the Obama camp. A real race will mean that the eventual nominee has been really tested and didn't just win because the voters said, "Eh, whatever."
Of course, this could all hurt our chances in November. McCain is going to have a lot of time on his hands now and that's not good for Dems.
you just gave me cold chills. dang i love that movie.
i am not so worried about 'ole johnny. i think is deep love of bush, his desire to continue the war indefinitely and his age are all going to be big downers for him in the country's eyes.
but maybe i am just a glass is half full kinda girl.
Not sure how I feel this morning. Kinda wanted it to all be over but also glad that Hillary has some fight left. I had written her off, but now I'm starting to wonder why Obama can't win by larger margins. He had an opportunity to leave her behind but couldn't.
Mostly this means Hillary's folks will continue to call my house asking for donations. Sorry, honey, I have a mortgage to pay....
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