Friday, March 21, 2008

Three Strikes

Yesterday the news broke that Obama's passport file was breached three times by the State Department since the first of the year. Of course this is all due to the lack of oversight and no-warrants-required system that our government has created in recent years.

Maybe some of you think it is no big deal, but when the Department of Justice acknowledges (as it did two weeks ago) that the FBI has for years been abusing the national security letters part of the Patriot Act that is bad. The national security letters allows the FBI to look at whatever personal info they want about Americans without a warrant or any oversight. This means that without being accused of anything, Americans have been having their personal information riffled through. Nice. The Washington Post has more details here.

Then, of course, there is the recent interview that Dick Cheney gave to ABC's Martha Raddatz. Cheney made a statement that the surge has been a success (duh, of course he WOULD say that) and then Raddatz asked him how that squared with a recent poll that showed two-thirds of Americans think the fight in Iraq isn't worth it. As you probably all know by now 'ole Dickie-boy's response was "So." Nice. You can read or view the interview for yourself here

Finally, there is McCain's recent gaffe in a press conference in the Middle East where he stated that Iran was training and harboring Al Qaeda terrorists. His sidekick Joe Lieberman quickly stepped forward to correct him, and McCain restated his remark, but I am not sure I am buying that he didn't mean what he first said. This hasn't gotten much coverage because many of the media just seems to trust the idea that McCain knows what he is talking about when it comes to foreign policy. (For more on that, visit Glenn Greenwald's blog on This is the man after all who sang, "Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb Iran."  Then Thursday, McCain's national security spokesman said this:
"There is ample documentation that Iran has provided many different forms of support to Sunni extremists, including Al Qaeda as well as Shi'ia extremists in Iraq. It would require a willing suspension of disbelief to deny Iran supports Al Qaeda in Iraq."

There is a lot we don't know about Iran. But one thing seems clear, that if the Bush administration doesn't get its chance to go after Iran, something it has seemingly hungered after for years, then McCain (if elected president) may just carry on that dream.

Just something to think about if you are on the fence about who to vote for—the Democrats or the Republicans. Frankly to me, it looks like three strikes against the current and incumbent Republicans in just this last week. Imagine what they could do with four more years . . .


Becky said...

three strikes, indeed. let's try and ignore that picture of me posing with a mccain sign. oopsy-daisy. on a "weee!" note, my man bill richardson has finally backed obama. ah, the validation that beard brings.

i miss you, my dear. hope you are well. my love to joe and jeb, too.

broad minded said...

aw shucks! thanks minion. i thought about you just today in fact. i was bored at work and watching online this new show - misguided. the main character is a guidance counselor whose name is becky. there was something she said that sounded just like you could have said it.

so how's tricks? when you coming east to visit?