Please remember to have your
Really people? Can't any of these people keep it in their pants? New York's newest governor, David Paterson has come out saying that he (and his wife) both had extramarital affairs during a rough patch in the marriage back in the late nineties, early aughts. I get that he feels like he has to be upfront about this or risk "exposure" later for it. That is sad enough, but I guess I am just dismayed that yet again, a politician has shown a lack of moral fiber. (Why can't there be a moral fiber cereal that is good for your soul and not just your colon? They invent everything else, why not this?)
Perhaps sadder still is the fact that while yes, this man broke his marriage vows and cheated (as did his wife) they moved past it and have continued in their marriage. That is admirable, I have to admit. Although now of course they have to relive that pain of betrayal all over again.
Athough I am looking forward to the day that we get to see the role reversal that Sam Bee parodied on The Daily Show (The Shame Parade) last week. Ah, now that is a feminist manifesto!
Jimminy crickets—I know I am going to come off like a conservative here folks (although the GOP isn't exactly the best when it comes to keeping true to the spouse), but can't we just try to pay attention to that whole idea that you are supposed to be true to your husband or wife? God knows I like to be flirted with as much as the next girl, but there is a line you don't cross and trust me, you know when you are on the verge of squidging that little toe across that line, much less throwing your naked bum over it.
There, moral lesson over. Go back to your normally scheduled debauchery.
Oh, you sly closet conservative, you. But all this news is rather, well, unsettling. I mean, I haven't had an affair yet! Figures--I'm always the last to get in on a new trend....
i know! and here i thought i was all cutting edge. i need to get myself out and start fornicating with strangers apparently, that is truly cutting edge!
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