Thursday, March 27, 2008


Maybe he was off his game. Maybe it was because DESPITE HAVING A TICKET MY FRIEND AND I WEREN'T ABLE TO ACTUALLY GET INTO THE AUDITORIUM. (I apologize for the yelling, but dang if that didn't piss me off, you know how many seats the place has, don't give out several hundred more tickets than you have seats for.) Maybe it was because I had to stand on concrete for two hours and watch it on a giant monitor. Maybe it was because I had to eat canned soup at my desk for lunch to go to the thing in the first place.

Whatever the reason, I personally thought the Obama rally in my little neck of the wood's was not the charismatic, life-altering experience I thought it would be.

Don't get me wrong, he is a good speaker, but it wasn't the rock star event that people build it up to be. This is my second political rally (I know, I am still a bit of a newbie). The first was John Edwards back during the 2004 election. It was outside, so nobody telling me I couldn't get in and I was standing on the ground, but admittedly in some pretty high heels (not the best planning moment I must admit). All things being even, however, that rally was thrilling. I got charged up.

Maybe I am just more jaded now. Maybe I just wasn't that into it yesterday. Maybe my heart is just two sizes too small. Maybe it is because I haven't made up my mind yet between Obama and Clinton. But I do know this, unlike those yah-whoo's that CNN has been polling who say that if their democrat doesn't get the nod, they are voting for McCain—Seriously? Are you freakin' insane? If you are a true democrat I just don't see how you can think that McCain is better than the other democrat, oh well—I will vote for whichever democrat with pride, and joy in my heart.

CNN's poll showed that currently 41% of Obama supporters would be upset if Clinton got the nod. While if the reverse happens, 51% of Clinton supporters would be upset. Continuing this theme, 19% of Obama supporters said they would vote for McCain if Clinton gets the nod; 28% of Clinton supporters would go to McCain if Obama gets the nod.

UNFUCKING BELIEVABLE. Again I have to yell. After almost eight years of the Bush nightmare what kind of person could logically want to continue that with a McCain White House? Because that is what the dude is pledging, to basically continue Bush's policies.

Listen people if your democrat doesn't get the nomination, be upset, fine. Go out have a couple of drinks, cry in your beer, rail at the stupidity of your fellow Americans. And the next morning, look in the mirror and suck it up for the greater good. Because whichever it is that gets the democratic nomination, Clinton or Obama, he or she is going to be miles ahead of McCain in terms of better serving this country.

We only have 299 left until Bush is outta here. Let's not screw this up people.


Rev Wes Isley said...

THank you for rallying the troops. Like you, I can't ever imagine voting for a Republican. Us Dems have 2 great candidates this year--how is it possible not to like both?

And I agree with your assessment of the Obama rally--underwhelming. Maybe it would've been better if we'd been in the actual auditorium, but I don't really think so. I was waiting for the heavens to open, the light to come down and for angels to sing! Mostly my feet just hurt (still hurt!).

So now I need a Hillary rally. Can't make the one in Winston, but maybe next time.

broad minded said...

yeah i wonder if we will be seeing more of both of them in the coming months.