Monday, January 19, 2009

Righteous Anger

I have been trolling through some of the pre-Inauguration coverage and I have two vastly different points of view that I want to highlight for the moment.

First, over the weekend I happened to catch a snippet of FoxNews talking about the upcoming event and the anticipated crowd, and with that the possible security problems. I can't remember which Fox talking head said this, but this white male commented that during the Million Man March there was a large crowd and there were security issues. OHMYGOD—really? This jack-off had to go back 13 years to find a large event that had security problems in DC and it just happened to be an event with a majority of black people?

(An aside, CSPAN this morning was asking callers if MLK's dream/legacy had been fulfilled. Obviously for those at FoxNews the answer is a resounding no.)

The second thing that sparked my interest was something I read on Joan Walsh's blog at Salon: "When the openly gay [Eugene] Robinson called on God to "bless us with anger – at discrimination, at home and abroad, against refugees and immigrants, women, people of color, gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people," I knew we're not in Dick Cheney's America any more." Amen to that sister.

I agree that we should be angry that there is discrimination in our own country and around the world. All HUMANS are equal and my hope is that tomorrow takes us on the first step of a long overdue journey to realize that fact. For everyone.


Anonymous said...

"Bless us with anger." Such a good phrase.

And I do love Bishop Robinson - he seems like such a dear. Steady and smart and warm, in the face of all the crap thrown at him.

Rev Wes Isley said...

You really shouldn't watch FoxNews, you know. Even a snippet offers an opportunity for the Dark Lord to work his evil witchery on unsuspecting, open minds like ours. Or at the least, it just makes you twitch. Beware!

broad minded said...

sometimes i think it is good to know what the opposition is saying, and it gives my heart a good stress test free of charge!

Anonymous said...

Glad I don't live in the "rosey glass" world you people do. It is tough out there and all the kissy kissy liberal dreams won't change the harsh realities called life. Get a clue people.