Thursday, January 29, 2009

A Bed of Lilies

Hot dang. Obama sure knows how to warm the cockles of this little feminist's heart. Today he signed his first official piece of legislation, making the Lily Ledbetter Bill a law. (I'm just a bill, only a bill, and I'm sitting here on Capital Hill. You know the words, sing along with me . . .)

While the bill doesn't go so far as to guarantee women be paid the same wage for the same job as a man (a pause as I wipe away a tear for the much maligned Equal Rights Amendment, what an amendment to the Constitution should be, something that GIVES people rights, rather than taking them away), it does give women and others who are discriminated against in their pay longer to take legal action.

Workers now have six months after receiving ANY discriminatory paycheck to bring a lawsuit against an employer. Prior to Ledbetter you only had six months from receiving your FIRST discriminatory paycheck.


zeke said...

Would love to talk about biological clocks... drop me a line at

be well.

Rev Wes Isley said...

As Bill said, "Oh yes!"

creative kerfuffle said...

i love schoolhouserock. i hate my kids aren't growing up on that.