The one you have probably heard the most about is Kay Hagan. A current state senator, Hagan shares her stances on the budget, education, energy/environment, health care, immigration, the military and national security on her Web site. A few highlights: budget-wise she talks of working toward balancing our national budget; on the environment she wants to push for water conservation to help with drought problems like NC has had; under health care, she would push for extending coverage for all children; on military issues, she is the aunt of two current military members and is for the recent GI bill.
The next candidate is John Ross Hendrix. A former Republican who apparently got fed up with the GOP and switched sides, he kind of comes off on his Web site as a crackpot. But don't just take my word for it, see for yourself—under his long list of issues on his home page he has one for conspiracy theory. He calls it the Troll Conspiracy. Methinks this isn't going to get him a lot of votes. While I think he is just kidding, what I read of his site sounds like the rantings of my dad, amusing, but not necessarily the sort of thing that gets one elected.
Next we have Duskin Lassiter. There doesn't seem to be any personal info on his Web site (listen I don't need to know what brand of toothpaste someone uses, but I like to know what they do, etc.). He does link from each issue page to a 12-page manifesto of sorts detailing all his stands and at the very end mentions he is a self-employed, working class individual (and no I didn't read the whole 12 pages). Overall, the site itself looks a little home made, and what he lays out on it a bit simplistic. He may be a great guy, but I don't think he has a serious chance from the looks of this.
Finally we have Jim Neal. He's an MBA, money-type and if you are looking for an impressive Web site, his is it (he looks like a TV anchor). He seems to be the only real competition for Hagan. On his site he links to some articles that are very critical of Hagan and basically say she is a Republican in Democratic clothing. On his issues page he talks about his opponent but I was confused about whether he meant Dole or Hagan. He doesn't seem to say much about the actual mechanics of what he would do on the issues, such as health care, economic security, Iraq and energy independence. He does go on quite a bit about entrepreneurship in the state though. Some of the stuff I read about him compared him to John Edwards in terms of his stance on things. Speaking of personal info, apparently he is openly gay.
Oh hell. Apparently there are two others as well, the didn't list them, but a link from a recent Channel 14 Carolina story mentions Hagan, Neal, Lassiter and then Howard Staley and Marcus W. Williams. Uncle, people, Uncle! Look them up yourselves if you care.