Yes gentle readers, my devotion to all things political even extends to my subconscious and non-waking hours. According to the spouse, sometime in the wee hours of the morning, I sat straight up in bed and started giving Tim Geithner hell, all the while sound asleep. The spouse tried to wake me up (first thinking I was mad at him because he was snoring), but to no avail. Shortly after my sleep tirade about the economy began, I laid back down, pulled the covers back to my chin and was out. It was then that he realized I had been asleep the entire time.
At least I don't sleep walk anymore . . .
dude, you need to either read or watch something else before you go to bed. like porn : ) he he
oh dear. i don't know if sleep-induced rape is a better outcome . . .
Don't give him hell at night, lady, do itin waking hours! Write him emails, or better yet, start a facebook group...
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