Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Bonus Round

I guess I am just bored gentle readers. Yes, AIG's dispensing of bonuses to its employees is wrong, wrong, wrong. But I am having a hard time giving a shit. I can't stop it. It isn't like I will get any of that money. And in the grand scheme of things, even without the bonuses, they have WAY more loot than I. But I wish President Obama luck in getting them stopped.

Then there was last week's smack down between Jim Cramer and Jon Stewart. While nothing makes me more gleeful than seeing my boyfriend Jon give someone a good talking to, my soul is more jaded than usual of late and the euphoria did not linger. That being said, if you have ever longed to see Cramer cower, I highly recommend checking the clips out:

And yeah it is in three parts and was pretty much the entire episode. There are unedited versions available as well. So you know, when you have some spare time, you can watch.

Meanwhile, Bill Maher has cut back to two guests rather than three, and although I was glad he had a conservative on last Friday night, so at least things got mixed up a bit, it was still a big shoulder shrugger. He ended with Sarah Silverman who I just don't entirely get. Guys seem to love her, and I admit she is cute, really cute, but mostly she strikes me as some sort of Freaky Friday experiment gone awry and made permanent—if a frat boy got swapped with a hot Jewish girl and never got swapped back. Ok maybe I just explained the appeal. Nevertheless . . .

Ugh. Maybe it is the never ending rain we have experienced of late getting me down, or the all too frequent sightings of Cheney lately (seriously dude, go away), but I am bored with politics. Perhaps this is just the inevitable let down from the high of an election year. I think the thing that has excited me most lately is the snarkiness displayed of late by current White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs. Dude has some backbone.

I may be forced to start posting about puppies or rainbows or God forbid something worse like the travails of Britney Spears. 

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