First of all, the decision has been left up to the families, they can choose to let the public be a part of honoring their loved one or not. It isn't mandatory and I highly doubt that anyone is going to strong arm a family into letting the media into their private moment if they don't want them there.
Second, with so little being mentioned now about the casualties of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars (or ever during the eight years we have been at war unless the numbers were massive) any

Finally, as war becomes more and more technical like a surreal video game and less the hand-to-hand combat that was common just 100 years ago, I don't think we can ever go wrong in emphasizing the high human costs associated with any armed conflict. War is NOT a game, no matter how much we try to turn it into one. People die. They are horribly and permanently maimed in body, mind and spirit. We all need to be reminded of what we ask when we send young men and women, barely adults, out in uniform. Is what we are asking them to do worth their lives? Would you give you life for it, or you child's?
If seeing a flag draped coffin come home, makes the realities of war to "real" for some, then I guess they need to start asking themselves questions like those above. Perhaps your answers will surprise you.
i think they should get attention and it should be public, if the family wants it that way.
off topic--i just heard there is an obama chia pet. i think i know what i'm getting you for xmas : ) he he he
As long as it is the family's decision I think it is fine.
OMG. that could be entertaining.
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