Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Nature vs. Nurture

News items like the following make my day, especially because they shoot giant holes in the theories of fundamentalists and their ilk who are so opposed to things like gay marriage and gays being parents.

Two gay penguins in a zoo in China had been removed from the communal pen for stealing other penguins eggs and trying to hatch them. Visitors protested and the zoo keepers decided to give the pair eggs from an inexperienced penguin mother to hatch. Apparently the two male penguins have done a great job. For those of you who aren't aware, the male penguins are the ones in charge of caring for the eggs until they are hatched. Yeah for stay at home penguin dads!!

Now of course, I don't know how the zoo came to the conclusion the penguins were in fact gay, I can only assume it is because they weren't mingling with the ladies as they should be, wink, wink. Regardless, these two dudes still had the urge to follow their paternal duties though and guard a penguin egg.

But people choose to be gay, God didn't make them that way at all . . .


creative kerfuffle said...

dude i was TOTALLY going to post about that : ) of course people (and penguins) are born that way. i was just pissed that they segregated them.

broad minded said...

well the story said that was b/c they were afraid they were disrupting the others breeding or whatever. i can see if they were bogarting eggs that might make the other 'rents a tad nervous . . .

Rev Wes Isley said...

I'm sure the fundies have a perfectly irrational, ridiculous explanation for such penguin behavior.

This heralds the downfall of penguin marriage, family and civilization!

broad minded said...

yeah next thing you know the little buggers will be getting confused about which pole they live at, they will try to frolic with polar bears and it will be bloody anarchy! (sorry CK, I couldn't resist . . )