Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Sometime between yesterday and today, the number of people who have checked out my blog in the last year crossed the 10,000 mark. Not too shabby gentle, readers, not too shabby. Thanks for reading and commenting and I hope that you will continue in the New Year.

Happy New Year everyone. I know I have been slack of late, I blame the eggnog, but have no fear—2009 will be an interesting ride, of that I have no doubt.


creative kerfuffle said...

i have blog envy my friend. you've been blogging a year and have 10,000. i've been blogging three and haven't hit that mark yet : ) obviously you're doing something right!

happy new year!

broad minded said...

thanks, but it isn't like i think all of them mean to find me or like what they find. plus i have like two-three loyal commenters, all people i know, and you have a gajillion of online strangers who now love you. i say we are even.