Well goddamn people (to paraphrase the gd bomb that Chris Matthews just let fly on MSNBC). Last I checked that is exactly what the freak President Obama was offering. A CHOICE. He isn't going to take away healthcare, he is going to make it so more people can have it. If you want to dither about how it is going to be paid for, fine, I got the time. I am unemployed. But don't say horseshit like the plan won't give you a choice.
I thought I couldn't abide a hypocrite, but idiots are fast getting aided to my list of things I just can't take in my dotage.
And also, choice is fine for healthcare but not for reproductive rights? or who to marry? uh-huh.
You are right President Obama won't take your choice away, this bill (if it makes it to his desk) will over time force you to take the governmenr plan, whether you want it or not. THAT ISN'T CHOICE, BUT SOCIALISM, Comrade. If it passes, get used to being called that.
It isn't Obama's fault if the healthcare companies can't be competitively priced, nor is it his fault that employers may opt to not care for their employees because it doesn't suit their bottom line. So yes, some of the choices may go by the wayside, but if you follow Darwin it strikes me that is because the plans weren't as strong.
Btw, when Cigna's CEO makes $109,000 an hour (more than double what my annual salary used to be) I can't even believe that what the healthcare companies are offering those of us with insurance still is the best possible deal. And if that means calling me comrade, so be it, however that is mixing the socialist/communist pots so I think that is a tad bit hyperbolic.
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