Wednesday, June 10, 2009


I have been largely tuned out of the normal media melee of late. And I wouldn't say I have missed it. In a way I think I have purposely distanced myself from it all because there is only so much that even I can process at once and current personal events (ie BEING UNEMPLOYED) have somehow taken precedence. Selfish little broadminded.

But I heard about Dr. Tiller being murdered. I was outraged, horrified and disgusted at my "fellow Americans" but still I tried to not let it sink in. Then today an 88-year-old man killed another man at the Holocaust Museum. Dear god people.


How can we harbor so much hate? This decrepit old white supremacist fart, kills a black guard, scares the beejesus out of a bunch of school children and all for what? He's pissed because a BLACK MAN is president? Because some family members job got sent to India? Because he thinks the Jews made the whole holocaust up? I mean what could be so awful and wrong that you are possessed to go kill an innocent person and god knows who else before someone else with a gun stops you?

Yell and scream all you want about the bad things going on in the world, I have no problem with that. But this is insanity and I have had enough.


creative kerfuffle said...

i know as a journalist i should, but i just can't read/watch the news. i cannot stand the hate, the murder, the lies all of the negativity. maybe i'm being an ostrich w/ my head in the sand, but damn, it's nice not exposing myself to all of that.

Anonymous said...

Going to a place where people are gathering to honor and remember victims of monumental hatred and ignorance and shooting at those innocent people does not exactly make an elegant argument for your "cause," whatever you think it is. Whatever your ideology, this seems to be more an act of getting oneself noticed than anything else. Mental illness comes to mind, when I attempt to understand. And why is it so easy to walk down a Washington, DC street with a rifle in hand? This act reminds me more than anything else of the crazies that emerged during the last presidential campaign who were whipped up by McCain's rhetoric of fear. It's all about fear.

Anonymous said...
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broad minded said...

yeah not exposing yourself is nice, but unfortunately i am afraid that if we ignore too much, more shit like this will happen.

chad you are spot on. it is fear. this is the worse kind of terrorism in my eyes b/c it is doing it to your fellow countryman. it is wrong, i am not kidding myself, to go into someone else's country and hurt them, but to go after people who share your history seems so much more personal.