Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Girl Crush

I may have a new girl crush. It is still the early stages and she may yet disappoint, but thus far Elizabeth Warren gives me a warm feeling all over.

The overseer of the TARP money, Ms.Warren (Professor if you're nasty!) has quite a little job ahead of her, but methinks she might be equal to the task. I first noticed her when she appeared on The Daily Show awhile back.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartM - Th 11p / 10c
Elizabeth Warren Pt. 1
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Economic CrisisPolitical Humor

I, like Jon, was comforted by her no nonsense approach. Then there was her appearance with Bill Maher on Real Time. After that I was a goner. She is concise, clear, and completely cognizant of the nature of what we are facing financially. Nothing makes more sense to me than when she details how we went for almost 50 years without a financial disaster as a result of the rules put in place after the Great Depression, and how by starting to lessen those restrictions back in the late 70s and early 80s we have allowed everything from the Savings and Loan scandal to the housing bubble to our current crisis to occur.

I know a lot of people want less government, and it isn't that I think government should be running our financial industries or Wall Street, but I do think they need to put some hard and fast rules into place PRONTO to keep those guys (and gals) in check. While most humans probably strive to be altruistic, we more often than not fail and indulge our inner greed. By putting rules in place to stop bankers and brokers from that we will be doing ourselves and any future generations a huge favor.


creative kerfuffle said...

you said girl crush and i thought you were gonna write about me : ) he he. we flipped to her on bill last night and the hubs couldn't take it and changed the channel : )

Marian said...

I first saw her in the documentary "Maxed Out" (which is quite good but depressing so I don't really recommend it unless you are in the mood for that kind of thing). She is brilliant and I want to hang out with her.

Fragrant Liar said...

I totally agree. With your girl crush too. Gotta love an intelligent woman who makes her case hard to argue with.

broad minded said...

CK- sorry to disappoint. What was the hubs objection to her? she just seems so rational and reassuring to me, i can find little to no fault.

marian - thanks for sharing the love ;)

fragrant liar - YEAH! new commenter. Welcome.